What have you spent time getting to know? Done research on? Whom have you spent a lot of time with? What have you spent a lot of time doing? What do you find yourself talking about the most; thinking about the most? What are you passionate about?
Christ? Studying God’s
Word? Praying for lost souls; praying
for Christ to teach you? Celebrities? TV?
Gossip magazines? Your hobby or passion and everything related to it? Your
spouse and strengthening your marriage? Your children and making a better
future for them? Homeschooling? Adoption? Being healthy; avoiding bad foods; exercising?
Politics? Human rights? Equality for
all? Helping those in need? Your pets?
Pet rights; shelters for
pets; spay and neuter? Gaming?
Organization; cleaning; homemaking? Making money; being financially
secure; moving up? Cure for cancer or other disease? Speaking up against abortion? Food; cooking; recipes? Flirting; finding that man who validates you? Music?
I realize that not everything is bad in this very random
list. But remember: “For where your treasure is, there your heart
will be also.” Matthew 6:21 (ESV)
“The only way to get to know someone intimately is
to spend time with them. If you are married, think of when you were dating your now husband or
wife. If you are like most people, when
you are first getting to know someone you desire to spend every free moment
together to get to know them as good as you can, and if your marriage is
healthy, that thought should last for your entire life together. The same
is true in our relationship with the Lord.” – Daryl Evans
Have you ever wondered why, as a Christian, you aren’t as
passionate about Christ as you’d like to be?
Or do you sometimes feel almost annoyed at how passionate about Christ
some Christians are? Whatever (or
WHOMever) you spend time getting to know, you will be passionate about.
I love your last statement, isn't that the truth???